Our mission is to plunder hell & populate heaven   
Sunday Service 11a.m. | Deliverance Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. | 
    Children's Ministry  

Sunday School starts at 11:00 a.m.

 "Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God" (Mark 10:13-14).

Our Children Ministry offers Sunday school for both young children and youths, the purpose for our Children's Ministry is to teach children how to love Jesus. Your children can meet new friends, and learn about the wonderful good news of Jesus Christ. We provide text book and materials; older students are required to have the King James Version bible and a notebook. If your child is new to our program, we will present them with their own bible and notebook for that day, we also provide a light snacks for your child/ren. Please inform us in writing if there are certain foods your child/ren cannot eat or would result in an allergic reaction.

The time for Sunday school is 11:00 A.M. We welcome one and all to this program, if you’re interested or want your child/ren to attended, please speak to the appropriate party.

To insure a good learning environment for all, it is necessary for us to have consistent classroom guidelines and limits. We ask that all children are respectful and responsible for their behavior while attending Sunday School, and they will follow instructions. 
If you have any questions or suggestions or would like to volunteer to be a part of the Sunday school teaching staff, please speak to Missionary J. Harrison. We will support all volunteers with prayer, easy-to-follow materials, and personal guidance along the way. Please prayerfully consider volunteering for this ministry.

Sunday school offering

We do collect Sunday school offering. It is an opportunity for the students to learn more about stewardship. We'll be providing Sunday school offering envelopes with "Sunday School" written on it to your child/ren, please encourage your child to bring an offering to Sunday School each week. This is an excellent way to help your child form a good habit of “giving back” to God. Offerings received in Sunday school classes will go towards Sunday school supplies and snacks.  If you did not receive offering envelopes, please send in a note with your child and we’ll send one home with them.

Finally, we ask that you keep the Sunday school in your prayers that it may do as God desires, and also be of benefit to your family’s spiritual growth.

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Cornerstone Church in Zion, Inc.
Office: 3151 Lenora Church Road
Suite 100

Snellville, GA 30039
Phone: 678-871-7967
Email: CcInZion2013@gmail.com
Senior Pastor: Dorette Fisher
Worship/Deliverance Services:
Sundays @ 11 A.M.
Wednesday @ 7:30 P.M.
 Copyright 2014 Cornerstone Church in Zion, Inc. All Rights Reserved