Join the Prayerline

Cornerstone Prayer Chain Ministry is a global prayer line service and can be used by any phone or computer anywhere in the world.

Days & Times to be announced for Prayerline!

How to call

Dial in by phone or computer
Call (515) 604-9548
Access Code: 627005
If you are having trouble calling due to your mobile company such as (Metro PCS) dial the back up number.
(781) 838-3815, then listen to the instructions and use the original call in number
(515) 604-9548 and
Access Code: 627005.

International Dial-in Numbers

"Connect across the globe. Provide participants with a local in-country dial-in number from any of the 61 countries listed below.
Join our prayerline with these international numbers.
Click here to view our international numbers.
Access Code: 627005

Download the app

Join the prayer line on the go, with this free app.The app is a quick and easy way to have prayerline away from your home or office. You can participants around the corner or across the globe. Use the username CCINZION once you've download the app.
More information about the app, click here

Google Play Store
iPhone Store