Please Read
We asks that, before you submit prayer requests for any individuals you obtain their consent. In posting prayer requests, we assumes that individuals identified in the requests have granted their consent to make their information known to the public. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please obtain the permission of anyone for whom you submit prayer requests, especially when the need involves medical or other highly personal matters.
When posting prayer requests for yourself, please take care not to violate someone else’s privacy.
If you do not have permission, please do not use names, even the first names, since this is a small world someone may know who you are talking about. For instance, you could say instead, “Please pray for someone dear to me…”
When posting prayer requests for yourself, please take care not to violate someone else’s privacy.
If you do not have permission, please do not use names, even the first names, since this is a small world someone may know who you are talking about. For instance, you could say instead, “Please pray for someone dear to me…”
These guidelines are not intended to discourage the use of the prayer line or even the mention of names with permission. Many of us want specific prayers said for us by as many people as possible, and we are happy to grant permission. Others among us may have reasons for keeping their issues private, and we want to do all we can to protect their right to do so, especially since we have a legal and moral obligation to uphold that right. Thank you very much for your cooperation, let's continue to pray for one another because our God is merciful and almighty! May God continue to bless each of you!