Get to know about Cornerstone

About Us

Cornerstone Church in Zion (CCInZion) was founded in October of 2012 by our Pastor Dorette Fisher in her home, a ministry that was planted in her by Yahweh (God) over twenty-plus-years ago. This is a Five-Fold Apostolic Ministry and we are not your typical “Christian Church”. We are set apart to be a “Spiritual Hospital” that specializes in healing, deliverance, restorations, and setting captives free.

Sunday Gatherings

Our service is not the typical service that you may have experienced in other churches. We don’t go by programs here because we don’t program the Holy Spirit, we let Him guide us and we follow. Our service begins with our Praise & Worship Team to usher the Spirit of Yahweh into the sanctuary, feel free to worship and shout with us, you’re not bound by religious chains or shackles here.
Where Yahweh resides, there is Liberty!

Time & Location

Our Sunday School starts at 10 am and Sunday Service starts at 11am. Our Bible Studies are on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.

Common Questions

Our Sunday service starts at 11 am, however, our Sunday School starts at 10 am and might spill over in our Sunday Service.
We worship the true and living God of Israel, who is the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah. We are a set apart people who worship Yahweh, we are not bound by religious chains or shackle here.
John 4:24 said that “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” Therefore, this is what we do, we are a set of Spiritual individuals that worship Yahweh, in Spirit and Truth.
Our Bible Study classes are Sunday Mornings at 10 am, and Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.

What to expect

We don’t have a time limit on our praise and worship service since we move with the Spirit of Yahweh. Following praise and worship, we welcome any new visitors, and then the message is delivered from Yahweh through our Pastor or Ministers, followed by our deliverance session.

Get connected

There are many ways you can get involved, stay connected and help us reach those who are lost and searching for the tre and living God, who is Yahweh. It’s time for individuals to know “Who they are and whose they are”. Check out our notification page for the many ways to share and connect with this ministry.